Cathy goes to Canberra
by Cathy McGowan
When politics relates to the local community, the community responds and the power of that community is unleashed. That’s what this book, this story, is about: what a politically active community can do.
In northeast Victoria, we call it the Indi way.

Kitchen Table Conversations
by The Victorian Women’s Trust
Kitchen Table Conversations is a model of civic engagement that revolves around one simple idea: that engaging people in the kind of open and honest dialogue that women have had around kitchen tables for centuries has the power to create real change.
-Free to download-

The Voice to Parliament Handbook
by Thomas Mayo and Kerry O'Brien
To be released 17 May 2023

POWER UP: Ten climate gamechangers
by the Climate Council
Power Up is a set of ten energy gamechangers that will help get Australia on track to tackle both the climate crisis and our cost-of living crisis.
-Free to download-